
Our hope and prayer at Keys Vineyard Ministries is that we will be able to be a blessing to pastors and churches around the world and partner with them to fulfill the calling of God on their lives.

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Community Church Impact 2024

Community Church Impact 2024

As we enter 2024, a community church like Keys Vineyard Church is uniquely positioned to impact their local areas significantly. Here are three ways a community church can positively influence their community this year:

Community Outreach and Service Projects: One of the most direct ways a church can impact its community is through organized outreach and service projects. This could include food drives, clothing donations, volunteering at local shelters, or participating in clean-up projects. By addressing the community’s immediate needs, a church not only provides essential aid but also demonstrates the practical application of its faith-based values. Such initiatives build bridges between the church and the community, fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual support.

Youth Engagement and Programs: Engaging with the youth is vital for any community church. Offering programs like after-school clubs, sports activities, mentorship programs, and educational workshops can have a lasting impact on young people. These initiatives provide safe spaces for youth to learn, grow, and develop positive relationships. By investing in the younger generation, the church can help shape their future while instilling values of community service and personal responsibility.

Mental Health Support and Counseling: With the rising awareness of mental health issues, churches can play a crucial role in providing support and resources. Establishing counseling services, support groups, or mental health awareness workshops within the church can offer a much-needed refuge for those struggling. Churches can collaborate with local mental health professionals to ensure the community can access quality care and support.

In 2024, community churches have many opportunities to make a meaningful impact. Through targeted outreach, youth engagement, mental health support, fostering community dialogue, and environmental stewardship, churches can significantly contribute to the well-being and unity of their local areas.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

Politics and Faith in the Church

Politics and Faith in the Church

In recent years, the entanglement of politics and faith has sown discord in many religious congregations, significantly in the church, where the primary focus should ideally be spiritual nurturing and solidarity. The deviation towards political inclination, albeit often well-intentioned, can unintentionally foster division and erode the foundational unity that is built upon the teachings and love of Jesus Christ. As a community church in the Florida Keys we are doing our best to navigate the delicate balance between politics and faith.

Jesus, in His earthly ministry, presented an exquisite model of love, kindness, and inclusivity. His teachings, soaked in unwavering love and acceptance, extended beyond the boundaries of class, race, and politics. The early church thrived on this principle, establishing a haven where individuals, irrespective of their societal standing, could unite under the banner of Christ’s love.

However, infiltrating politics into the sanctity of the church threatens to overshadow the divine mission. One of the fallouts of a politically charged church environment is the inadvertent alienation of certain members. As political views get intertwined with spiritual teachings, congregants may find themselves in a perplexing dilemma: whether to uphold their political beliefs or compromise them for spiritual adherence. This dualism can potentially drive wedges among church members, detracting from the overarching message of universal love and acceptance preached by Jesus.

Moreover, when politics seep into spiritual discourses, it may unintentionally idolize political ideologies, thereby diluting the essence of spiritual teachings. Churchgoers might start associating spiritual success with political allegiance, undermining the pure, undiscriminating love that Jesus advocated. This shift in focus can deter the church from its path, rendering it a political entity rather than a spiritual sanctuary.

Amidst these challenges, the church’s role in addressing societal issues cannot be overlooked. The church, indeed, is mandated to speak against injustices and advocate for moral policies that resonate with Christian values. The delicate balance lies in ensuring that political inclinations do not overshadow the message of Jesus.

In navigating this problem, churches might consider refocusing on Jesus’s teachings as the central guide for addressing societal and political issues. This implies adhering steadfastly to principles such as love, compassion, and empathy in all discussions and activities, even those that touch on political realms.

Adopting a Christ-centered approach to politics means advocating for policies that align with biblical teachings without endorsing specific political entities or figures. It involves fostering an environment where members can express their political views without fear of alienation, permanently anchoring discussions and actions in the teachings of Jesus.

While navigating through the tangle of contemporary political and societal issues, the church must clutch steadfastly to the teachings of Jesus, ensuring that love, acceptance, and spiritual growth remain paramount. Through this lens of unwavering, nonpartisan love, the church can effectively engage in societal discussions and advocate for justice and morality without splintering its divine mission and unity.

In the end, let the church be a beacon of Jesus’s unblemished love in a politically charged world, embracing all without prejudice and leading with the spiritual integrity that threads us all into the unbreakable fabric of universal kinship and divine love.

Steve Lawes is a pastor at Keys Vineyard Church and a Church Encourager.

Using AI for Churches

Using AI for Churches

The age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has given rise to a vast array of applications, from autonomous vehicles to healthcare diagnostics. Even sectors deeply rooted in tradition, like churches, are exploring the potential advantages of AI integration. Yet, as with any technological adoption, there are benefits and concerns to weigh. Here, we will explore the pros and cons of using AI for churches.


Enhanced Outreach: With the aid of AI, churches can predict when members might need additional support or spiritual guidance based on data analytics. For instance, if someone regularly watches online sermons but misses a few in a row, AI can notify church leaders to reach out and ensure everything is alright.

Tailored Content Delivery: AI algorithms can analyze members’ engagement patterns with online content, helping church authorities provide personalized spiritual content. For someone dealing with grief, the system might suggest sermons or scriptures that address that specific emotion.

Administrative Assistance: Handling administrative tasks, from organizing events to managing donations, becomes more streamlined with AI. Virtual AI assistants can handle queries about service timings, upcoming events, or scriptural references, freeing human resources for more personal interactions.

Improved Accessibility: Speech-to-text algorithms and translation software make transcribing sermons or translating them into various languages in real time easier. This widens the church’s reach and ensures inclusivity for members from different linguistic backgrounds.


Data Privacy Concerns: With AI algorithms analyzing member interactions and personal data, privacy becomes a significant concern. Churches would need robust data protection measures to prevent breaches, which can be costly and complex.

Loss of Personal Touch: While AI can predict needs based on data, it lacks genuine human empathy and understanding. There’s a risk of members feeling that the church is becoming impersonal or overly reliant on technology.

Ethical Dilemmas: AI algorithms can unintentionally perpetuate biases, even in a church setting. For instance, if an algorithm is designed to suggest sermons based on a user’s behavior, it might inadvertently favor specific demographics over others, leading to unintentional exclusion.

Financial Implications: Setting up and maintaining advanced AI systems can be costly. Not every church has the financial capacity to invest in such technology, and there’s a risk of widening the divide between larger, tech-savvy churches and smaller congregations with limited resources.

While AI offers a myriad of possibilities for enhancing church operations and member engagement, it also brings with it a unique set of challenges. Community church leaders must weigh these advantages against potential pitfalls, considering their congregation’s core values and mission. As with any tool, AI’s discount to a church will depend mainly on how it’s used, always keeping in mind the spiritual and emotional well-being of the community.

Steve Lawes is a pastor at Keys Vineyard Church and a Church Encourager.