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Kingdom Foreshadowed Part 14 Devotionals
Day 1: Hearing and Doing
Devotional The Shema, found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, calls us to hear and obey God’s word. It emphasizes loving God with all our heart, soul, and strength. This prayer urges us to move from passive hearing to active doing. Isn’t it much easier to hear than it is to do? And that’s the struggle that we have and all of us have really had from the beginning. We often find ourselves listening to God’s word but failing to act on it. Today, let’s focus on not just hearing God’s word but also putting it into practice in our daily lives.
Bible Verse “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” – Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Reflection Question In what areas of your life do you find it easier to hear God’s word than to act on it?
Quote Isn’t it much easier to hear than it is to do? And that’s the struggle that we have and all of us have really had from the beginning.
Prayer Lord, help me to not only hear Your word but to also put it into action. Give me the strength and courage to live out Your commands daily. Amen.
Day 2: The Heart of the Matter
Devotional The heart that we have is part of the problem. When the Bible talks about the heart, it’s referring to the control center of our lives. A circumcised heart is one that serves God not out of obligation, but out of a genuine desire. This transformation is something we cannot achieve on our own; it is a work of God. Today, let’s examine our hearts and ask God to transform them so that we may serve Him genuinely.
Bible Verse “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” – Ezekiel 36:26
Reflection Question What areas of your life need a transformation of the heart?
Quote The heart that we have is part of the problem. And when the Bible talks about heart, it’s talking about sort of the control center of your life, the command center.
Prayer Father, I ask for a new heart, one that desires to serve You genuinely. Remove my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh. Amen.
Day 3: The Promise of a New Heart
Devotional Prophets like Ezekiel and Jeremiah foretold of a time when God would give His people new hearts. This promise is fulfilled in Jesus, who offers us a transformed heart through His sacrifice. When we accept Jesus, we receive a new heart that enables us to love and obey God fully. Today, let’s embrace this promise and allow Jesus to transform our hearts.
Bible Verse “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.” – Jeremiah 24:7
Reflection Question How can you embrace the promise of a new heart through Jesus today?
Quote Jesus tells Nicodemus he needs to be born again, which is another sort of way of saying, you need a transformed heart.
Prayer Jesus, thank You for the promise of a new heart. Help me to embrace this transformation and live a life that fully loves and obeys You. Amen.
Day 4: Living Abundantly
Devotional Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are offered a transformed heart that leads to a life of true abundance and joy. This transformation impacts the way we love, obey, and live. We love God just because He’s God, and we love Him because we want to love Him. Today, let’s focus on living abundantly by loving and obeying God with our transformed hearts.
Bible Verse “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10
Reflection Question What does living an abundant life in Christ look like for you?
Quote He wants you to live a full and abundant now and forever life.
Prayer Lord, thank You for the abundant life You offer through Jesus. Help me to live fully in Your love and obedience. Amen.
Day 5: Shifting the Center
Devotional One of the ways you know that transformation is taking place is when you realize the lengths and depths that God has gone to so that you can have life with Him. When you can make that shift and get yourself out of the center, you begin to live for God and His ways. Love me and live. Live for Him, and you’ll find it’s the best life you can imagine. Today, let’s focus on shifting the center of our lives from ourselves to God.
Bible Verse “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16
Reflection Question How can you shift the center of your life from yourself to God today?
Quote When you can make that shift and get yourself out of the center where we keep putting ourselves by going to the stupid wrong tree, and we go, no, God, I want to live for you, and I want to live your way.
Prayer God, help me to shift the center of my life from myself to You. I want to live for You and Your ways. Amen.
Join us at Keys Vineyard Church in person or online or connect with our Bible Institute for more sermons, courses, etc.
Kingdom Foreshadowed Part 13 Devotionals
Day 1: Seeking God’s Wisdom
Devotional In Numbers 9, we see Moses seeking God’s guidance when faced with uncertainties. This teaches us the importance of turning to God for wisdom in our own lives. Often, we try to navigate life’s challenges on our own, but God invites us to seek His wisdom and direction. When we press into God, we find clarity and peace, knowing that His way is always better. Remember, God’s heart has always been to dwell with His people and guide them. Let’s make it a habit to seek His wisdom daily.
Bible Verse The Lord said to Moses, ‘Make two trumpets of hammered silver, and use them for calling the community together and for having the camps set out.’ – Numbers 9:1
Reflection Question In what areas of your life do you need to seek God’s wisdom and guidance today?
Quote We have to seek wisdom for life from God. We have to press in, we have to connect with him in order to know how to live.
Prayer Lord, help me to seek Your wisdom in every area of my life. Guide my steps and give me clarity in my decisions. Thank You for always being with me and for Your desire to dwell with Your people. Amen.
Day 2: Remembering God’s Faithfulness
Devotional The Passover, celebrated by the Israelites in the wilderness, commemorates their deliverance from Egypt. This event foreshadows Jesus Christ, our Passover Lamb, whose sacrifice offers us eternal life. Just as the Israelites remembered God’s faithfulness in delivering them, we too should remember and celebrate what Jesus has done for us. His sacrifice on the cross has set us free from sin and death. Let’s take time to reflect on God’s faithfulness and express our gratitude for His incredible love and grace.
Bible Verse For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16
Reflection Question How can you actively remember and celebrate God’s faithfulness in your life today?
Quote And now in Jesus, we celebrate that he’s our Passover lamb. And his blood is on us, and he protects us from the angel of death, if you would. And we’ve moved on into life for him forever.
Prayer Heavenly Father, thank You for Your faithfulness and for the sacrifice of Jesus, our Passover Lamb. Help me to always remember and celebrate Your love and grace. May my life be a reflection of gratitude for all that You have done. Amen.
Day 3: Living by Faith
Devotional In Numbers 21, the story of the bronze serpent highlights the necessity of faith. The Israelites were healed by looking at the bronze serpent, just as we are saved by looking to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Faith is essential in our walk with God. It requires us to trust in His promises and rely on His strength. When we face challenges, we can have confidence and hope, knowing that our faith in Jesus brings healing and salvation. Let’s choose to live by faith, trusting in God’s goodness and His plan for our lives.
Bible Verse The Lord said to Moses, ‘Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live.’ – Numbers 21:8
Reflection Question What steps can you take to strengthen your faith and trust in God’s promises today?
Quote Because of what Jesus has done at the cross and in the resurrection, we can experience again God’s presence. We have access to God’s presence in part, not like it will be, but certainly amazing that holy spirit, right. Dwells in us.
Prayer Lord, help me to live by faith and trust in Your promises. Strengthen my faith and give me the courage to rely on Your strength in every situation. Thank You for the healing and salvation that comes through Jesus’ sacrifice. Amen.
Day 4: God’s Way is Life
Devotional There is God’s way and there is not God’s way. God’s way is the tree of life, and the other tree is the knowledge of good and evil, which represents defining good and evil for ourselves. Often, we don’t like to wait and move in our own direction instead of pressing in and listening for God. But God’s way is always better. His way leads to life. Let’s commit to seeking God’s way in all things, trusting that His path leads to true life and fulfillment.
Bible Verse The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. – Numbers 6:24-26
Reflection Question In what areas of your life are you tempted to define good and evil for yourself instead of seeking God’s way?
Quote There’s God’s way and there’s not God’s way. And God’s way is the tree of life. And the other tree is the knowledge of good and evil, which is easier to think of, is defining good and evil for ourselves.
Prayer Father, help me to seek Your way in all things. Give me the patience to wait on You and the wisdom to follow Your path. Thank You for leading me to true life and fulfillment. Amen.
Day 5: Pressing into God for Life
Devotional One of the biggest things we need to figure out is that we have to press into God for life and not settle for just trying to figure out all the rules and regulations. Jesus has fulfilled the rituals, the holy days, the priesthood, and the purity laws. We now have amazing access to God through Jesus. Let’s not forget how incredible this access is and what it took to get there. Pressing into God means seeking a deeper relationship with Him and relying on His guidance and strength in every aspect of our lives.
Bible Verse The Lord said to Moses, ‘The Israelites are to celebrate the Passover at its appointed time.’ – Leviticus 23:4
Reflection Question How can you press into God and seek a deeper relationship with Him today?
Quote One of the biggest things that we’re to figure out is that we have to press into God for life and not settle for just trying to figure out all the rules and regulations.
Prayer Lord, help me to press into You for life. Thank You for the incredible access I have to You through Jesus. Guide me and strengthen me as I seek a deeper relationship with You. Amen.
Join us at Keys Vineyard Church in person or online or connect with our Bible Institute for more sermons, courses, etc.
Kingdom Foreshadowed Part 12 Devotionals
Day 1: Understanding God’s Heart
Devotional Leviticus is a fascinating book, so let’s put it in context before we hop in there. God’s heart was a heaven and earth connection. Eden was a cosmic temple where God and humanity dwelled together in perfect harmony. This connection was broken by sin, but God’s desire to be near His people never changed. Leviticus outlines the steps the Israelites needed to take to live near the presence of God. Today, we can reflect on God’s unwavering desire to be close to us and how He has made a way for that through Jesus.
Bible Verse Leviticus 16:2 – ‘The Lord said to Moses: Tell your brother Aaron that he is not to come whenever he chooses into the Most Holy Place behind the curtain in front of the atonement cover on the ark, or else he will die. For I will appear in the cloud over the atonement cover.’
Reflection Question How does knowing that God desires to be close to you change the way you approach Him in your daily life?
Prayer Lord, thank You for Your desire to be close to us. Help us to understand Your heart and to seek Your presence daily. Amen.
Day 2: Jesus, Our Ultimate High Priest
Devotional Leviticus is all about what the people need to do in order to live near the presence of God. However, Jesus is the ultimate high priest who gives us access to God. Unlike the high priests of the Old Testament who had to offer sacrifices repeatedly, Jesus’ sacrifice was once and for all. He fulfills all the Levitical requirements, making it possible for us to approach God with confidence and humility.
Bible Verse Hebrews 10:12 – ‘But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God.’
Reflection Question In what ways can you approach God with more confidence, knowing that Jesus has already made the ultimate sacrifice for you?
Prayer Jesus, thank You for being our ultimate high priest and for giving us access to God. Help us to approach You with humility and confidence. Amen.
Day 3: The Ultimate Sacrifice
Devotional Jesus is then the ultimate sacrifice, and He also fulfills the holy days. His sacrifice purifies us and makes us clean, allowing us to live in the presence of God. By understanding these connections, believers are invited to meditate on Jesus’ sacrifice, approach God with humility, and live a life of purity. Jesus’ role as the ultimate high priest and the perfect sacrifice negates the need for repeated offerings, providing eternal access to God.
Bible Verse Hebrews 10:14 – ‘For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.’
Reflection Question How can you incorporate the meditation on Jesus’ sacrifice into your daily routine?
Prayer Lord, thank You for Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice that purifies us and makes us clean. Help us to live a life of purity and to meditate on His sacrifice daily. Amen.
Day 4: Living a Life of Purity
Devotional Jesus purifies you. He makes you clean. This purification allows us to live a life of purity, free from the bondage of sin. Jesus’ sacrifice takes away our sin, and His blood atones for us, giving us access once again to the most holy place. As we live our lives, we are called to reflect this purity in our actions, thoughts, and relationships.
Bible Verse Leviticus 16:30 – ‘Because on this day atonement will be made for you, to cleanse you. Then, before the Lord, you will be clean from all your sins.’
Reflection Question What steps can you take today to live a life of purity in your actions, thoughts, and relationships?
Prayer Jesus, thank You for purifying us and making us clean. Help us to live a life of purity and to reflect Your love in all that we do. Amen.
Day 5: Eternal Access to God
Devotional Jesus has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. His role as the ultimate high priest and the perfect sacrifice negates the need for repeated offerings, providing eternal access to God. Jesus’ sacrifice takes away our sin, and His blood atones for us, giving us access once again to the most holy place. We can now approach God with confidence, knowing that Jesus has made a way back for us.
Bible Verse Hebrews 10:10 – ‘And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.’
Reflection Question How does knowing that you have eternal access to God through Jesus’ sacrifice impact your relationship with Him?
Prayer Lord, thank You for the eternal access to You through Jesus’ sacrifice. Help us to approach You with confidence and to live in the freedom that comes from being made holy. Amen.
Join us at Keys Vineyard Church in person or online or connect with our Bible Institute for more sermons, courses, etc.