Kingdom Incarnate Part 7 Devotionals
Day 1: Surrendering Control
Devotional We often try to shape God according to our own plans and desires. Like the crowds who wanted to make Jesus king by force, we sometimes attempt to mold Him into what we think He should be. But Jesus’s response teaches us a powerful lesson – He withdrew from their attempts to control Him because His mission was far greater than their immediate desires. This challenges us to examine our own hearts. Are we trying to fit Jesus into our plans, or are we willing to fit into His?
Bible Verse
When Jesus saw that they were ready to force him to be their king, he slipped away into the hills by himself. – John 6:15
Reflection Question
In what areas of your life are you trying to make Jesus fit into your plans rather than surrendering to His?
Quote Too often we try to fit Jesus into our own plans. It’s like, well, I think this way Jesus must agree with me, because I’m right, of course.
Lord, forgive me for the times I’ve tried to control You instead of surrendering to Your will. Help me to trust Your plans above my own. Give me the courage to let go of my need for control and to follow Your leading. Amen.
Day 2: The Divine Presence
Devotional When life feels overwhelming, it’s easy to think we’re alone in our struggles. But just as Jesus walked on water to reach His disciples in their storm, He comes to us in our moments of fear and uncertainty. His words ‘It is I’ carry profound meaning – they echo God’s declaration of His own name in the Old Testament. This reveals that Jesus isn’t just offering help; He’s bringing God’s very presence into our storms.
Bible Verse
But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “I am here!” – John 6:20
Reflection Question
How does knowing that Jesus actively comes to you in your struggles change your perspective on current challenges?
Quote Jesus sees us in our struggles, no matter what storm we’re facing, whether it’s grief, loss, illness, financial hardships, relational betrayal. He’s watching over us.
Jesus, thank You for being Emmanuel, God with us. Help me to recognize Your presence in my struggles and to find comfort in knowing You’re right here with me. Amen.
Day 3: Walking Through Storms
Devotional We often pray for God to remove our storms, but sometimes His plan is to walk with us through them instead. This isn’t a sign of His absence or lack of care – it’s actually a profound expression of His presence and love. Just as He was with the disciples in their boat, He remains with us through our trials. His presence doesn’t always calm the storm immediately, but it always calms our hearts in the midst of it.
Bible Verse
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. – Romans 5:8
Reflection Question
What storm in your life do you need to trust God to walk through with you rather than asking Him to remove it?
Quote So often we pray God, remove the storm. Remove the storm. I don’t want to go through this. Sometimes he just chooses to walk with us through it instead.
Father, give me the faith to trust You in the midst of my storms. Help me to find peace not in the absence of troubles, but in Your presence through them. Amen.
Day 4: The Ultimate Storm Bearer
Devotional Just as Jonah was thrown into the sea to calm the storm for others, Jesus took on the ultimate storm – death itself – for our salvation. This wasn’t just a display of power; it was an act of sacrificial love. When we face our own storms, we can find comfort knowing that our Savior has already endured the greatest storm possible out of love for us. He understands our struggles because He chose to experience human suffering firsthand.
Bible Verse
Then they picked Jonah up and threw him into the raging sea, and the storm stopped at once! – Jonah 1:15
Reflection Question
How does Jesus’s willingness to face the ultimate storm for you impact your trust in Him during difficult times?
Quote Just as Jonah was thrown into the sea to calm the storm for the sailors, Jesus was thrown into the storm of death so we could be saved.
Lord Jesus, thank You for bearing the ultimate storm for my sake. Help me to rest in Your sacrificial love and find strength in knowing You understand my struggles. Amen.
Day 5: Our Unshakeable Foundation
Devotional Life is unpredictable and often challenging, but Jesus offers Himself as our unshakeable foundation. He’s not just a guide through the storms; He’s our refuge in them. While we can’t control the circumstances around us, we can anchor ourselves to the One who remains steady through every storm. His presence provides stability when everything else seems to be falling apart.
Bible Verse
Then God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.'” – Exodus 3:14
Reflection Question
What areas of your life need to be rebuilt on the foundation of Christ rather than on shifting circumstances?
Quote Our greatest refuge is Jesus himself. Life’s unpredictable. It’s hard, it’s challenging. But he is our unshakable foundation.
Heavenly Father, thank You for being my unshakeable foundation. Help me to build my life on You rather than on temporary securities. Be my refuge in every storm. Amen.
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